
EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is an EU directive (law) that applies to all companies, including those outside the EU, that process data about individuals residing in Europe. Its primary objective is to ensure transparency in data processing practices, requiring companies to clearly state how they use and store such data in a manner easily understandable to everyone, without burying it in legal jargon. Additionally, these companies are obligated to delete such data upon request.

To comply with these requirements at PrintJob, we have implemented cookie acceptance on all our systems and updated our Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy, and Terms & Conditions.

We would like to reiterate that PrintJob is committed to never sharing or selling data or information about our clients to any third party, under any circumstances.

Any data concerning our clients (including their own clients) stored in our systems is considered the property and responsibility of our clients themselves. PrintJob assumes no responsibility for this content, and clients should be aware of their own GDPR obligations and limitations. For instance, while system-generated emails for events are considered normal business practices, if clients utilize the data they possess to send marketing or sales offers via email, explicit approval from each recipient, as stipulated by GDPR, is required

More info

This and other PrintJob Documents are continually updated. If you have any questions about our use of cookies or other technologies, please email us at

See also

PrintJobs Response to GDPR

PrintJobs Terms and Conditions

PrintJobs Privacy Policy

PrintJobs Cookies Policy